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Our Story



Tasmanian Oyster Co.


Hover over the year to learn more.

Shellfish Culture was set up after a small meeting of oyster farmers in a chicken shed at Lenah Valley, in Southern Tasmania.


Our first hatchery was established at The Gulch, Bicheno on the East Coast of Tasmania.

First oyster spat produced in March 1980.

First oyster spat produced in March 1980


First commercial nursery built at Pipeclay Lagoon, Tasmania


First commercial nursery built at Pipeclay Lagoon, Tasmania.

Shellfish Culture became an unlisted public company.


Shellfish Culture became an unlisted public company

Hatchery achieves 50 million spat sales.


Hatchery achieves 50 million spat sales.

New hatchery and nursery constructed on current site at Pipeclay Lagoon.


New hatchery & nursery constructed on current site at Pipeclay Lagoon

Successful commercial breeding of Scallops, Mussels & Abalone


Successful commercial breeding of Scallops, Mussels and Abalone.

Hatchery achieves 100+ million spat sales.


Hatchery achieves 100+ million spat sales

Commercial spat sales in Singapore, Japan & Vietnam


Commercial spat sales in Singapore, Japan and Vietnam.

Record spat sales achieved by the Company.


Record spat sales achieved by the company

SCL integrates with Tasmanian Oyster Co. & commences sales of mature oysters to the consumer market


SCL integrates with Tasmanian Oyster Co. and commences sales of mature oysters to the consumer market.

Completed the transformational Poke acquisition, doubling the farming footprint to more than 220ha of pristine Tasmanian water.


Achieved a strong group operating profit of $3.5M and added more than 40 people to the organisation.


Produced and sold a milestone 1M dozen mature oysters, and expanded our footprint in SA via the acquisition of our Coffin Bay Hatchery. 


Our Oysters Journey


1. Algae Production

Algae is produced to feed the oyster spat.
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3. Hatchery

2. Spawning

Our skilled technicians produce baby oysters (spat)
The baby oysters cared for 7 days a week, growing to 2mm in size.

4. Nursery

We are the experts in small oyster spat husbandry, via 40+ years of development and learnings.
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5. Growout

With fully organic practices, our oysters grow in some of the most wild and unruly environments on the planet.
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6. Harvest

Culminating in a premium harvest grade oyster for you to enjoy!
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